Mary Jane on Main Street Hemp Solutions are born of necessity.
In times where stressors are ever accelerated,
our game changing resonant technology supercharges our solutions for whole being.
We are sixth generation healers, fierce innovators and category creators combining SCIENCE & SPIRIT.
Our solutions bring you home to your inner sense.
Welcome home to your family Farm'acy | We've got your back, and a few billion neurons too.
Enjoy our Personal Home Self Care Apothecary selections for your Whole Being.
We have a limited amount of these solutions available as each is created in small batches at the Family Farm'acy.
We're gearing up our production capacity while maintaining our highest standards and most of all, still producing according to natural Cycles.
Remember, we are Mother & Father Nature approved, as our Unified Guiding Source for our Whole Being. Orders may take 7-28 days accordingly.
We trust you appreciate our care and we're certain, You'll LOVE how YOU FEEL!
Shop Our Mary Jane on Main Street Zazzle Shop

Why use our
Planet Apothecary Hemp?
The therapeutic oils in our Mary Jane on Main Street recipe have been used to help support health and wellness in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for more than 4000 years.
We joyfully combine ancient traditions with modern technology to bring you whole self-care products.
Frankincense | Myrrh
Lemon | Golden Turmeric
Copaiba | Clove Bud
Pure Hemp & Essential Oils
These aromatic pure essential oils combined with pure Hempseed oil, Avocado oil and Coconut Oil, are what we note as our Gold Standard:
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh spagyrically tuned with citrus and woodsy spice making for a rootsy, mossy and grounded scent of mystery and ancient ceremonies held by firelight on moonlit nights.
It smells of its intended design:
A Philter crafted to specifically anoint the body: ancient and sacred, honoring the vessel and mysteries of life eternal.
Benefits of Gold in Reflexology
In reflexology and acupuncture, meridians, known as electrical circuits of the body are influenced by gold.
Gold can be used as an accelerator or jumper cable that allows the energy to go from one meridian that is balanced and strong to one that requires a “boost”. It revives and reboots flow within the human bio-computer and the circuitry of meridians.
Planet Apothecary’s unique process adds the essences and harmonics of monatomic gold to Mary Jane on Main Street self-care products to nourish and rein-form your form with grace and ease.
Mary Jane on Main Street has it's roots in our deep and everlasting love for our Yoda Bernie Meister, Bermaid, Fuzzy Muse and Angel on Earth.
Bernie's super power is LOVE, even now without form, he inspires us to create ease and grace through re~informing our nervous system what it feels like to relax into what is, to trust we can go with the flow of whatever arises.
We trust that you will find that ease in your brain~ bio computers with a touch of our love infused Hemp products.