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Red Apatite Gemstone Soapz

SENSE: Tactile . Smell . Sight


Red Tiger's Eye Gemstone Benefits

Grounding | Courage | Protection

Tiger's Eye Red Stone Soapz will help build courage and inner confidence, and stimulate your life energy.



  • Soapz are sold individually and in sets of 7 chakras to support your seven energy centers.


  • Made with 100% natural and organic ingredients, including resonant C02/ZnO plasma imbued real semi-precious gemstones for emotional support and general wellness.


  • Each chakra soap creates a balanced field of energy with you in the center.


  • A wonderful way to envelop yourself and those you love in the resonant fields with a simple suds at any point in your day.


Due to the artisanal nature of our soaps. colors may vary.


Our Soother Stone Soapz make a perfect gift for your dear ones. 

And when they know that each one has its own scent, unique lore, attributes and activities, you'll enjoy the common unity or community of sharing the songs, smiles and touch and re- frame  your thoughts beyond any ideas that living in these times call for social distancing.


Be in community with ​our ​​gemstone​ Soother Stone Soapz and be "matter of fact" in your daily hygiene practically prepared  when you reach out and touch someone with love, fun and your soother stone tribes. The gifts are priceless. 



Red Apatite Gemstone Soapz

  • Soother Stones are used in cognitive behavioral therapy with clinical proof that these stones benefit our psychology in many ways. The simple hygiene of washing hands is enhanced with our gently scented, residue free glycerine soaps.  


    Motivate yourself  knowing the treasure of an real semi precious stone awaits in the center of each soap.


    • Each gemstone has its own unique healing lore. 
    • With each wash, your soap morphs into lustrous shapes and your treasure becomes more apparent.
    • Once you arrive at the core and your stone comes home to your hands, pause and notice its shape, it's luster, its clarity or opacity. 
    • Notice how it feels in your palm,  between your thumb and index finger.
    • Rub the stone using your thumb so that the continuous motion activates the nerves situated at the base of your thumb that results in releasing natural endorphins. 
    • This, in turn, induces a soothing sense of calmness and relaxation in the body and mind.
    • Welcome your companion and enjoy the gift of touch. 
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